Well, welcome to Post E3 Week. Last week I was like a kid in a candy store and this week I'm like Veruca Salt falling down the chute in Willy Wonka. I am in a gaming slump. Can anything be more depressing? I have so many good games and they all suck. So bored....
Unfortunately when I find myself bored, my hair is usually the one to suffer. It gets cut, bleached, dyed or something else bad happens to it. Happily enough, I find myself having a particularly fabulous hair day so it gets a reprieve...this time. So what do I do with this gaming boredom? Finish up the games that are currently collecting dust on my shelves? Nah... Go rent a new game I've yet to try? Nah...
Ah yes...A blog so pink it'll burn the retinas right out of your eyeballs. A dog that loves me so faithfully, he'll sit still while I dress him up. I so hope this slump is over soon...for my dog's sake...