Peanut Butter and Jelly
Romeo and Juliet
Six and Baltar
Chocolate and Anything
Katamari and the 360
And now this just moved to the top of my list:

...oh baby!
A Rock Band hat in honor of last week's episode. And...
In honor of this week's episode, the code for the Brawler Costume Pack for Street Fighter IV which sells for 320 MS points on Live. This pack includes all-new alternate costumes for Abel, El Fuerte, E.Honda, Rufus and Zangief.
So there you have it:
1. Watch WCG Ultimate Gamer on SciFi tonight at 10:00 PM.
2. Pay attention (DVRs are fab)
3. Come back here tomorrow.
4. Wipe the tears from your eyes as you read my stunningly amusing and insightful blog post about tonight's episode.
5. Comment on the post with something like, "Hey there ICandee, you make my life worth living."
6. Scratch your head as you try to answer my question about tonight's episode.
7. E-mail me at icandee360 at gmail dot com with your answer.
First person to comment here and then e-mail the correct answer wins both prizes. If no one wins, both prizes will go towards next week's Ultimate Gamepot (that's right, I just named this madness!).
Open to US and Canada residents.
Go watch Ultimate Gamer and I'll see you tomorrow!
Overall the show isn't too bad. So here's the deal:
12 gamers are picked to live in a loft to find out what it's like when people stop being polite and start getting...wait, that's The Real World. Sorry! Anyway, we've got 12 gamers of various what-nots. Every week they are given a different game and it's that weekly game that make up the 3 challenges-a "Real Life" Challenge, an "Isolation" Challenge and finally, an "Elimination" Challenge where one gamer is sent home. Your illustrious hosts and contestants:
Apparently Ciji knows Dante and has a crush on him (which made her cry to talk about it). So the Real Life Challenge for this week was to break up into 3 "bands". They then had to learn to play "New Kid in School" by the Donnas. (and the judges were...yup, The Donnas). The first place band won Ion drum sets and someone on the last place team would be up for elimination...sort of. (Cue tears from Ciji as she waits for the results) Long story short, the last place band was "Pandora Rox" made up of Amy, Alyson, Kelly and Robert. Alyson is a former Frag Doll (which is funny because her Frag Doll status is used on her profile at even though she's no longer on the team), Amy is a current Frag Doll (which is funny because her being a FD isn't even mentioned and she's using her PMS gamertag for the show) and Kelly is a member of the Frag Doll community. (Robert was just there to blind the audience with his ludicrous contacts)
Their loss had to be due to Alyson, who had no clue what the lyrics were (not that the others in the group were much better) and that brings me to a very important point: they all had back up bands playing "with" them! If the challenge is to see if you can play guitar in "real life", where's the realism if you have professional guitarists and drummers playing for them? Plus, half the time these people weren't even attempting to fake playing...Fail! Here's my theory: the producers realized that none of these people were going to be able to actually play their instruments and finally said, "Screw it, get musicians up there with them, no one's going to watch this show anyway".
Then comes the Isolation Challenge. Everyone's moved around into 3 new bands. They then go into the Matrix and play Rock Band 2 against each other to Lent's "My Own Worst Enemy". They're scored on a group total as well as their individual totals. The person with the last place score is up for elimination. And just who has the last place score? Our fabulous Robert of the Blinding Contacts.
Geez, this is a long entry...*deep breath*
So here's where the show got interesting. The person in first place gets to pick the person that will go head to head with the last place person. One of those gamers will get the boot, woo hoo! And just who is in first place? Why, Robert's friend Swoozie! Hmmmm, let the strategy begin...
Now Robert is a pretty solid gamer (even though he dropped a deuce on the first 2 challenges) so the smart thing to do would be to put Robert up against Ciji since she's one of the best Rock Band/Guitar Hero players around (even though she placed 5th in the Isolation Challenge). That way, Robert (big threat) would get the boot early, right? Well, never say that gamers don't have a heart (because apparently it's brains they don't have) because "Swoozie" chooses to "help his friend" Robert and put him up against JD, the one gamer there who is an expert in Sports games (read-plays Madden with his drunk Frat brothers) and who S-U-C-K-S at rhythm games.
I have to admit though that JD gives it the ole college try and at first stays neck and neck with Robert during the Elimination Challenge (song: Offspring's "Come Out and Play"). It's about 30 seconds into the challenge that they stop showing the scores because Robert is running circles around JD. Needless to say, JD is gone and Robert is safe for another week.
So if you're keeping score, here's where we're at so far and where I'm predicting we're going:
JD was eliminated
Ciji cries at everything
Alyson has a bad memory, fantastic boobs that defy gravity (I must know what kind of bras she buys!) and will be eliminated by episode 5
Robert has freaky douchy contacts
Chelsea looks like Jami Gertz
Mark and Jamal are boring
Dante will end up crying more that Ciji will before he's eliminated by episode 5
Geoff and Kelly are enjoying light flirtation that will come to nothing
Amy will get into a fight (at least yelling) and will end up in the top 4 at least
And there you have it! If you've made it this far, I salute you! Make sure to check by because I will be covering every episode.
As Karen from The Office told JD *dramatic look directly at camera* GAME OVER
"Wait, what is this for?"
"You're taking pictures again? Seriously?"
"Games are yummy."
She'll be killing zombies and destroying Covenant before you know it!