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Well, my 30th birthday went off without a hitch (except for the 7 hour flight delay) and 30 really doesn't feel all that different...What does feel different is my name being on the list for Epic's Gears of War party this Saturday night! Woo hoo! I haven't decided if I want to drive 2 and a half hours to get to it but if I do go I'll be sure to post any pics I may take.
Back on the birthday front, my darling friend Sean80 sent me my very own copy of God of War (that's right, I have not played this game) so I will be doing some serious damage on the PS2 this weekend! Thanks Sean!
Want to really show off those 360 stats to others? Go check out (don't look at my stats though...I apparently finish very few games. :P)
By the way, have you seen the Chad Vadar, Day Shift Manager videos on If you haven't, you must! Funniest thing ever...
Speaking of ever, BSG's episode last week? BEST.EPISODE.EVER. I can't wait for tonight's episode!
Most of you may have noticed my lack of playing the 360. Basically Cooking Mama for the DS took me hostage but with the November Deluge coming up soon, I'm sure to be back on board with the 360. Yippee!
OK, so it's not really important so much as interesting...actually it may not even be interesting so I apologize in goes...
As of this Friday, I (ICandee) will be 30 years old. Yes yes I know that is hard to believe but trust me when I say I don't want to believe it either...
Therefore, I am running away to New York (for the weekend). I will see you all when I get back and I'm sure to have more pictures of $10 beers and museum oddities. Now if you will excuse, I'm off to try out Lumines...
Have a great weekend everyone! If you see some crazy lady on the news running down the streets of NY screaming, it's just me...or it may actually be just a crazy lady...
Oh AOTS...I remember when the good old days when you were relevant and spoke on important issues about video games...wait, no I don't.
But whatever those days were, they are gone now and we'll never get them back. On Friday's episode, we had a very informative segment on the newest sex toy that you can connect to your PC via a USB and download your favorite songs to it. One can only imagine that this is so you can not only sing about getting "jiggy" with it, but actually be "jiggy" while singing about how you're getting "jiggy". (Assuming I know the correct use of the term, "jiggy".)
But wait, there's more!
The next segment was an interview with the band "Deadsy". Now, I have met a member of the group (Creature), who is the brother of one of my good friends. (bully for me) I also assume that they take their music seriously as I suppose any good artist should do but this was no mere interview! This interview was not only about their newest album nor their, no! The greatest amount of time was spent on Layla Kayleigh (her birth name I'm sure) putting make-up on the front man, Elijah Blue, otherwise known as Cher's son. Stop the presses! What is news like this doing on G4? Get this on C-Span people! Hello!
I thought I was the only one that found that these segments both sucked and blowed, until I visited the good and noble town of Flynn: one's safe! Arrested Development just can't catch a break...