I was so excited when I heard Prince of Persia Classic was coming to the Xbox Live Arcade. I was even more excited this past Wednesday when I heard it was waiting for me to download it in all it's Prince-y glory. It's been a while since I was so excited to get my hands on a game and the time had come! I was going to play classic Prince of Persia...all was right with the world...
Until I started playing it and realized that the Prince hated me and wanted to see me die slowly and painfully. Or maybe it's quickly and stupidly since the little bastard seems to like to jump off platforms in some sort of freaky gaming free will stand against me. I haven't been this frustrated with a game since Alpha-152 and that's saying something. And to be brought down by an arcade game is just humiliating. I've always said that there is a fine line between a game that's challenging and one that makes you play the same section 1,000's of times until you finally beat it only to fall of an edge and die. He can pull himself up off of crumbling ledges and can't survive a two foot drop to the ground?!?!?!?!? "Son of a $%^ I hate you #$%&*& why God can't he just #@*& when I hit the $&^% A button %^&* over and over again! Mutha #$%*&(!"
Annnddd that's been life with me for the past couple of days. I at one point even told the Prince to lick my balls which is so wrong on two levels: 1. It's an ugly thing to say and wildly inappropriate and 2. Since I am a woman, I don't even have balls. Therefore, I've decided not to play Prince of Persia for a while, RuFfNeCk says I'm scaring the dog...
We have a new address~!
4 years ago