I was watching a cooking show the other day that was making "comfort food". You know, those particular dishes that always give you that "at home" kind of comfortable feeling. Down here in the South, that would probably mean chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and buttermilk biscuits. *yum* Comfort food can be anything in my opinion, it's all about whatever gives you the feeling that all is right with the world...
Which got me thinking about certain video games that give me that same feeling. I have a lot of "favorite" games but there are a select few that I always go to for that "comfort" feeling. Happy or sad, whether I have 5 minutes to get some gaming in or hours to play, these are my "go to" games where I get that sense of comfort and relaxation. So without further ado, I'm proud to present...
ICandee's Top Five: Comfort Games Edition
1. Fable (Xbox): Being the first game I ever played on the Xbox, I still have fond memories of this game. Beyond that however, there's some solace to be had in running from forest to forest, killing everything in your path just to gain enough experience for the level up you need or playing blackjack for hours and hours just to be able to afford that sweet sweet Solus Greatsword...oh baby...
2. We Love Katamari (PS2): I'm a rabid fan of the Katamari games anyway but We Love Katamari really got it right. This is one of those games that is always played whenever I need a shot of cuteness or in the mood to try and get 1,000 paper cranes in one shot. Even though you're on a timer, this game has always been a laid back treasure for me.
3. G.R.A.W. Online Co-op (Xbox 360): I'm sure by now it's well know that I adore G.R.A.W. but co-op is really where my heart lies (lay? lies? whatever...) There's no better feeling than "us against the world" in co-op. A lot of games have this feature and they all do it pretty well but I always get that comforted feeling when we launch into a G.R.A.W. co-op mission. I still laugh whenever there's a team kill (and no one's let me forget that I can be the worst offender) or when the lone wolf of the tribe runs off and bites the dust 3 seconds into the mission. And I still yell at the screen for a team mate to "watch out behind you!!!" when I'm waiting in the dead lobby. It's one of those online times where it's not always frantic but it sure is a lot of fun.
4. Viva Pinata (Xbox 360): Although this game has a habit of getting hectic at times, there's always that one moment (for me it's usually the time between night and day when my sherbats are going to sleep and my cinnamonkeys are waking up) where everything is serene and soft cutesy music plays in the background. Everyone's getting along, all your plants are watered and there are no sour pinatas to be seen. The perfect time to take a cleansing breath...right before a stupid syrupent tries eating your mousemallow...again.
5. Animal Crossing (Nintendo DS): Some games have fishing in them but none have captured that actual "all the time in the world to fish my little heart out" feeling like Animal Crossing. Other than trying to time yourself to meet specific events, you have the freedom to spend your days doing whatever you want. There's no missions to get done, no one to escort and no boss to battle. It's the one place where you can literally spend the day doing whatever you want. Make friends, write letters, dig for fossils, fish, make constellations or clothes, shop, plant...Play for 2 seconds, play for 2 days, play for 2 weeks...It's your world and you're in charge...
And in the end, isn't that a part of why we play video games in the first place?