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I love this time of year...It's a time to reflect on what you're thankful for etc and so forth but I am not ashamed to admit that this time of year also brings back fond memories of the 360 launch. This time last year I was very much the kid at Christmas as I raced through London, cleaned up the mess my evil sister had made and avenged my father's death. My 360 was new (I actually still have the box it came in) and I was loving it.
This was my very first launch experience and I have to say that I had it easy. Mine was preordered at Game Rush. They only got 4 systems in so around 11:30 that night it was just me, my boss and the store employees. We hung around talking and what not and when it hit midnight, they rang me up and out the door I went at 12:05. It was pouring buckets of rain that night and I can still remember how heavy the box was as I walked to my car. Once I got home, I started playing Kameo and joined Xbox Live for the very first time. That was the night that I changed from "ICandy" to "ICandee" since the former was already taken. I rather like my double e's. Wait, what?
Anyhoo, I'd love to hear anyone else's launch stories now that it's officially been a year. And I would also like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! See you on Live!
Now that my garden (North Pinalina) has reached Level 20, here's my opinion of Viva Pinata (short version):
Animal Crossing meets Harvest Moon while cheating on the Far Cry map editor...
The long version is: I've been playing this game for so long, I'm going to be sick (in a good way...I think). First, let's get the not so good out of the way: frame rate issues and your cursor targeting one thing when you're trying to target another. Whew, glad that's over! I have found (regardless of what other reviews might say) that there are times (especially in the beginning) where you find yourself with nothing to do. However, once things get going you'll find yourself with almost too much to do and it's neat seeing your hard work pay off (or watch some SOB of a Taffly destroy it, whatever).
An unofficial fansite has begun Wikipedia style, check it out here.
All in all, for anyone that digs Animal Crossing and the Harvest Moon games, Viva Pinata is the answer to our 360 "I need a quirky game for the love of..." prayers. Even with nothing to do I find it hard to turn the game off and once I do I always end up right back in my garden. Poor Gears of War...
So I painfully sacrifice a stack of games and movies to gleefully pay for Viva Pinata and Gears of War and how am I repaid for being a good little girl that trades instead of holding onto material objects and spending money unwisely? Why, by being told that I don't get Gears of War until tomorrow and I won't see Viva Pinata until next Friday! Umm....hello? I have to build the Garden of Sera so my aliens can dance and fight evil pinatas to eat candy while...wait...I think I'm a little mixed up...
So in conclusion, if books, movies and CDs all have specific release dates and every store/website has it on the same day, why doesn't that work for video games? So if you don't see me on Live, it's because I'm home alone crying, too ashamed to get on Live and watch 50 friends all playing GOW without me.
*cue sad 80's music montage: OK, I'm walking in the rain with sad eyes to "I Want to Know What Love Is" by Foreigner*
Oh well, here's a Viva Pinata commercial that is quite clever and funny..."Some day games will find me...break those chains that bind me..."
Tis the Weekend of Cool Things...
1. Incubus is the Artist of the Month on Xbox Live...WOO HOO!!! I adore Incubus (I actually have their your face!) and am very pleased that we've gotten away from the Simpsons and Bedingfields of the music world...for at least a month anyway...
2. I traded in the bulk of my game and DVD collection yesterday. *sob* On the bright side, I ended up with enough credit to pre-order and fully pay for Gears of War, Viva Pinata and DOAX2 with even some credit left over. I can't decide if I want to put that credit towards Rainbow Six, the 360 camera or the 360 wireless headset...decisions, decisions...
3. Apparently a member over at ShackNews has a famous cousin, none other than Richard Steven Horvitz. The name may not be familiar but if you are cool, you know that he is the voice of Invader Zim. If you are super cool, you know that he is also the voice of Raz from Psychonauts. (Two awesome credits in an enormous list of voice work including Destroy All Humans) Richard Steven Horvitz, we salute you!
4. How much do you love Wikipedia? Between Google, Wikipedia and YouTube, I'm not sure why I ever leave my computer...
5. If you haven't tried Cooking Mama for the DS yet, you really should. A simple, repetitive game has never been so addictive...
6. Anyone else think that IGN is getting a little too whiny? Quit complaining about the 360 launch already! Just a thought...
7. I was given a ticket to MacHomer last night and went to check it out. For those of you that are not aware of this excellent show, it's one man performing The Simpsons performing MacBeth. If you get a chance, check it out.
In other news, BSG rules!