Saturday, March 17, 2007

ICandee Strikes Back and Actually Finishes a Game

Episode VII
I Totally Pwned Lego Star Wars II
When we last saw me, I was having difficulty beating this game as glitches were trying to destroy me.
Jedi Luke would miss a jump and then continually spawn in mid jump with no escape in sight...
Dagobah R2-D2 would slide down hills and not be able to get back up...
Dagobah Luke would get stuck behind a truck and not be able to move...
Someone would be in my way and I would shoot them...
But none of this stopped me!
I continued to fight the Force!
(The bad one, not the good one)
And yesterday I had victory over Lego Star Wars II for the Xbox 360...
To celebrate my triumph, here's a guy playing the Star Wars theme on a banjo:

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