It's hard to know what topic to hit on today as there is a lot going on: GRAW 2 is out! I fought Lego Star Wars II and Lego Star Wars II won! I have gaming engagement pictures or "engamement" pictures if you will...
OK, maybe I'll explain that last one first...
Anyone that's been reading this here blog for a while (you know who you are and I thank you) knows that my fiance and I met on Xbox Live and we're getting married this year. A "marriage made in Microsoft" I suppose. So as RuFfNeCk was down here in NC over the weekend, we went to get engagement pictures made. We got the usual poses taken (for the family and what not) but immortalize our love (for games...and maybe for each other I have no idea) we took this one:
Ah yes, true love...
We have a new address~!
4 years ago