Yeah...uh, that doesn't have the same ring as "two front teeth" but whatever. Presenting an overload of cuteness and holiday cheer that is a must have for you Wii owners with small children that celebrate Christmas. (Leave to the Wii to provide us with a game no one asked for...and I'm so glad they did - cuteness is go!)

If you own a Wii, have small children, celebrate Christmas and
don't get this game, I hope your tree burns to the ground. Okay, maybe that is a little extreme but listen, this game is super cute.
We Wish You A Merry Christmas is a sweet little budget game from
Destineer Games. And this game has a lot included for its $20 price tag.
Let's has a few mini games, you can decorate a tree, write a letter to Santa Claus, color pictures, throw a log on the fire and roast marshmallows, plus it has a Christmas radio and an Advent calendar. Yes, Modern Warfare 2 it is not but we could all use a little brainless holiday gaming every once in a while, yes? And how could the modern parent not make gaming a part of their Christmas traditions? (As long as the Wii is around anyway)
Now if you will excuse me, I have to go turn the first day in my "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" Advent calendar and make hot chocolate for the elves. :D