Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Honeymoon in DS...Wait, I Mean Disney

Just a quick update before we leave for our Disneyworld Honeymoon:

The wedding went off without a hitch (that I know of) and a huge group of TehBiasers showed up which was awesome! You always think it's going to be strange to meet people in person that you've known online for years but meeting these guys over the weekend was great and luckily we didn't feel the need to wear headsets while we talked to each other. Here's a group shot:

Whoops! Wrong group shot...

It meant a lot of RuFfNeCk and I to have all of them here with us for our wedding. Now all I have to do is get my husband out of the COD4 beta to finish packing and we're off to the airport! We've restrained ourselves to bringing just our DS's (I'm also bringing the book, "Battle Royale" which is awesome, get the book or see the movie!) and hopefully while I'm at the airport I can pick this up:

Anyhoodily doodily, everyone have a great week, see ya when we get back!

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