He didn't think it was so funny but I'll let you judge for yourselves, yes? He's too busy concentrating on the Halo 3 countdown to still be mad anyway (Is it too early to start my Beautiful Katamari countdown?).
However, the best picture has to be the one we took after riding "Star Tours" at Disney MGM Studios. After you leave the ride, they have a photo area in the gift shop where they will stick your head into a scene from the Star Wars movies and do their computer magic to make it look good. Here's the result of RuFfNeCk and I as Princess Leia and Han Solo:

As you can see, I love my husband very much...
At any rate, the honeymoon was fabulous (I highly recommend a Disneyworld vacation) and we found a couple of arcades that had Mario Kart which was awesome! But I'm glad to be home and I'm ready for some new games...Game on!