So since he is missing our anniversary AGAIN this year for conference, he once again left with strict instructions that he was to get another autograph for me as penance. He wasn't sure who would be there this year but I didn't care, I just want my freakin' anniversary congratulatory autograph.
Well, leave it to RuFfNeCk to blow last year out of the water by having someone call and wish me a happy anniversary personally and that person was...
Fable has been my go-to when gaming. It was the first game I played on the original Xbox and Fable II came out right after I had ICandee Jr so this franchise will forever hold a place in my heart.
So he gets on the phone and starts talking and all I could think of to say was, "Oh my God, I love Fable!!!!!" lol Oh well, I still got to talk to Peter Molyneux. :D
Today has been a good day...and my husband is awesome.